100 Years of the Vote

Amelia Bloomer


Amelia Jenks Bloomer is probably best known for the clothing revolution she created for females in the mid 1800’s. The loose fitting pants she fashioned and wore were revolutionary and soon became known as “bloomers”.

Professionally she is remembered as the editor of the first newspaper for women, The Lily. It was issued from 1849 until 1853. Bloomer felt that as women lecturers were considered unseemly, writing was the best way for women to work for reform. Originally, The Lily was to be for “home distribution” among members of the Seneca Falls Ladies Temperance Society, which had formed in 1848.

Like most local endeavors, the paper encountered several obstacles early on, and the Society’s enthusiasm died out. Bloomer felt a continued commitment to publish, and soon assumed full responsibility for editing and publishing the paper. Originally, the title page had the legend “Published by a committee of ladies.” But after 1850 – only Bloomer’s name appeared on the masthead.

>> Click here to learn more about Amelia Jenks Bloomer
